Our Pastor
... is a third generation preacher of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, having been licensed and ordained in the church of his upbringing (1980), the New Shiloh Baptist Church, Baltimore, Maryland.
... is married to Rev. Monique T. Carter, and they are the parents of two sons, Rev. Daniel Carter and Timothy Alphonso Carter. He is the son of the late Dr. and Mrs. (Also Dr.) Harold A. Carter
... is a graduate of United Theological Seminary, Dayton, Ohio, earning the Doctor of Ministry degree, and among many honors and awards, he received the Doctor of Divinity degree from the Virginia Seminary and College, Lynchburg, Virginia, and the Doctor of Humane Letter from Cumberland College, Williamsburg, Kentucky. In 2006, he was inducted into Morehouse College, Atlanta, Georgia, as a Martin Luther King, Jr. Distinguished Preacher.
... is the pastor (since 1996) of the New Shiloh Baptist Church, Baltimore, Maryland, having served along with his father Dr. Harold A. Carter for sixteen years. He leads the congregation of more than 4,000 active members with emphasis on Missions, Evangelism, and Christian Education. His preaching is heard widely throughout this nation, and through radio, television and internet streaming broadcasts. He is credited by his ministerial colleagues and many in the media as galvanizing pastors, activists, community & political leaders, at a time of civil unrest and grief, surrounding the unfortunate death of Freddie Gray, Jr. (allegedly) at the hands of six Baltimore city police officers, to stand in solidarity (with over 200 leaders strong) for a press conference and subsequent March for Peace, which had much to do with quelling the riots and looting and even led to the forging of positive relationships between gang members of the Crips and the Bloods and New Shiloh, along with the faith community.
... he has served on a number of boards and conferences. Presently, he serves as Vice-President of the Hampton University’s Ministers Conference. He was appointed by Maryland’s Governor to serve as a Regent for the historically black Morgan State University. He has served as a Co-Mentor for more than 60 doctoral students at the United Theological Seminary, Dayton, OH and as the former Executive Secretary for the Global United Fellowship (GUF). Additionally, he is the Chairperson of the Board of Directors of the New Shiloh Village Development Project; a non-profit organization with a goal of community development, including the New Shiloh Senior Living building (an 81-unit facility) and the New Shiloh Village Apartments (73 units).
... as an outgrowth of his ministry, publications include: The Power of God’s Negatives, The Sacred Marriage—Getting Started in Pastoral Ministry, The Burning Bush, (co-author), and Harold’s Hermeneutics—Volume One. Additionally, he has written several songs, three of which have been recorded and performed by New Shiloh’s Music Ministry, entitled “You Will Know” and “I Never Shall Forget to Praise Your Name,” and “Always.”
He sees his “call” to the ministry as “The Divine compulsion to do God’s will.”